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We provide a comprehensive compensation plan, focus on providing employees with a full range of protection, to achieve the attraction and retention of talent.
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founded in 1985, is a collection of product design, production, service as one of the equipment manufacturing industrial company, has more than 30 years of stainless steel non standard equipment manufacturing experience...
Contact us
Address: No.60, Huanghai Road, Binhai Industrial Park, Qidong City, Jiangsu Province
Telephone: +86 513 8326 6698
Operator: +86 513 8386 7700
Fax: +86 513 8333 3810
Mailbox: sales@chinazhengheng.com
Mailbox: master@chinazhengheng.com
Copyright©2023 Jiangsu Zhengheng Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd.